11+ Dance
What is it?
Developed at Elmhurst Ballet School and in collaboration with the University of Wolverhampton, this is a 25-30 minute injury prevention intervention created for dancers. Based on best practice and scientific evidence on injuries in dance, this program focuses on:
Ankle, knee and hip stability
Muscular endurance
Jumping and landing control
Research evidence suggests that this combination of exercises has a prophylactic effect on injuries and in particular lower-body injuries.
What should I expect?
At first you might feel that your legs are a little bit heavy and shaky, especially if you go straight into barre. Don't panic, this is normal, your legs need time to adapt to the new type of exercise.
Also, your calf muscles might feel "tight" when you start skipping and a warm sensation. Your muscles will not get shorter, this tightness is more related to tiredness than the length of the muscle.
As time goes by, and especially if you consider that you will be doing this type of training minimum twice a week, it won't be long before you feel light again and your body will be ready for a new challenge!
The benefits of this type of training do not happen overnight. One needs to train between 4 and 6 months, and for at least 21 sessions, in order for the protective effects to kick in.
Be mindful, injuries cannot be eliminated from dance. Risks can be minimized, however, through smart training.
Both Sessions are demonstrated through videos. The videos include progressions and common errors.
The program is based on the concept Raise-Activate-Mobilise-Potentiate and is split into three parts:
Muscle activation
Balance and proprioception
Jumping and landing technique
As part of muscle activation, you need to skip for 1 minute x 3 times with a few seconds rest between (15-20 sec). If you are not experienced in skipping, try to focus on landing with both of your feet at the same time, and in control, at the start (watch the video below for demonstration). Once you are better at it, you can progress to alternate skips and then to single leg serial skips (2-3 skips on one leg, then change).
Watch the videos carefully and look at the common errors. Aim for quality of movement, and correct alignment at all times. Progress to a more difficult level when you feel confident you can maintain the quality and the alignment.
11+ Dance Session 1

Plank on Elbows and progressions

Side Plank and progressions

Bridge and progressions
Watch the videos carefully and look at the common errors. Aim for quality of movement, and correct alignment at all times. Progress to a more difficult level when you feel confident you can maintain the quality and the alignment.
11+ Dance Session 2

Plank on Hands with Elbow Taps

Bear Crawl and progressions

Crab Walks and progressions
1 No advice
This website contains information and exercises on strength and conditioning. The information is not advice and should not be treated as such.
2 No warranties
The information on this website is provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied. We make no representations or warranties in relation to the information on this website.
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, we do not warrant or represent that the information on this website:
a will be constantly available, or available at all; or
b is complete, true, accurate, up to date and/or non-misleading.
3 Professional assistance
You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.
If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention.
If you answer yes to any of the questions below, we would recommend you consult your doctor before starting the exercise program.
Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?
Have you been told by your doctor that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor because you have a heart condition ?
Have you had any chest pain in the past month when not doing physical activity?
Do you lose your balance as a result of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness/collapse?
Do you have a bone or joint problem (eg back, knee, or hip) that could be made worse by exercise?
Is your doctor currently prescribing medication for your blood pressure or heart condition?
Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?